Engaging your local politicians

Full online hub coming soon
Bar Chart Animation

83% of people in the UK think the government should do more to tackle climate change.

Yet political commitments as they currently stand mean we're failing to meet both domestic goals, and our obligations to support those across the world to tackle the impacts of the climate crisis.

People across the UK are already taking action to tackle climate change and protect nature. It’s time for politicians from all political parties to follow suit and commit to ambitious action ahead of the UK general election and in this critical decade for our planet.

This year, there is a real opportunity to remind our politicians and candidates how much people, nature and climate change matter to the public. 


Get organised

Here, you will find support to help you and your community engage with your political candidates and representatives - whether you want to run a local hustings, have meaningful conversations with your political candidates, or find other ways you can show you want to see action for people, climate and nature.

Sign up to one of our two mailing lists for Supporters and Communities to receive updates and be the first to know about upcoming training sessions, resources and more. 

The Supporters Newsletter

Find ways you can take action for people, climate and nature as an individual.

The Community Newsletter

Are you part of a community group or a local organiser? Do you want to take action for people, climate and nature in your local area?


Take action for people, climate and nature

The main content is coming soon, but take a look around to see what is on its way and what support is already available!

Sign our community open letter to political party leaders

We’ve launched an open letter to the leaders of the main national political parties, calling on them to commit to doing everything they can to meet our national and international commitments to tackle climate change and protect and restore nature. 

Add your community’s voice to help us demonstrate the breadth and depth of the public mandate for action.

Local Intelligence hub

Boost your community campaigning in 2024 with live local data from the Local Intelligence Hub. This interactive tool will empower you to have informed conversations with your neighbours, networks and local decision makers about your community’s support for action to tackle climate change and protect nature.

Engage your local politicians during
Great Big Green Week

Face-to-face meetings and events are one of the most effective ways to communicate with politicians, so if you’re hosting events as part of the Great Big Green Week, these are a great opportunity to talk to your candidates about climate and nature and why taking action is so important to your community. 

By inviting your candidates and councillors to your event, you can showcase what is already happening in your community, and let them know that you want to see more action from them. 


Download our doorstep poster

Show people in your community - from your parliamentary candidates to your neighbours - that you want to see action for people, climate and nature by putting up our printable poster in your window. 


Have conversations with your candidates

Talking to your parliamentary candidates is an important opportunity to show that communities want to see ambitious action for people, nature and climate right from the start. Having conversations with your parliamentary candidates before the election means that you can get to know them and build a relationship with them before they are in office, and move issues higher up their agenda.

Here you can find written resources and online training sessions to support you to have these conversations. 

Training sessions:
📅 Friday 7th June 2024, 12:30-1:30pm
📅 Wednesday 19th June 2024, 6:30-7:30pm
💻 Where: Online

Organise a local hustings

By hosting a husting with your parliamentary candidates for the General Election, you can start to build relationships with your future MP, let candidates know that the climate is an important issue locally, and start holding your candidates to account. Hustings don't just impact the political atmosphere in the lead up to an election, they can help set the agenda for politics in the next parliament, and for years to come.

Here you can find written resources and online training sessions to support you to organise local hustings. 

Training sessions:
📅 Monday 3rd June 2024, 6:30-7:30pm
📅 Wednesday 5th June 2024, 12:30-1:30pm
💻 Where: Online

Find out what we’re calling for

We’re calling on all political parties to commit to cut emissions, restore nature and support the hardest hit at home and around the world. Find a more detailed breakdown of the action we want to see all UK political parties commit to in this resource, and use these to inform your conversations in the run up to the General Election.

Attend a local hustings - Coming soon

If you don’t want to host a hustings, but would like to engage with your parliamentary candidates, you can find local hustings to attend and support.